Origon Group, UAB

ŠVAROS LOFTAS – 500 kv. m automobilių švaros centras, aptarnaujantis iki 8 automobilių per valandą. Specializuojamės kruopščiame rankiniame plovime, salono siurbime, sauso ir cheminio valymo, poliravime bei vaškuojame kėbulus. Taip pat apipavidaliname automobilius reklaminiais lipdukais. Patikėkite mums savo automobilį ir mėgaukitės nepriekaištinga švara!


Thanks to Švaros Loftas for a incredible job. Car was in bits inside and out. Had the full valet done. Received it back on time and in showroom condition. Particular attention paid to the fine detailing. Very professional. I highly recommend them for a proper job.

Andrius Zurba


Nice service



very rude person (reception)

Augustė U


Good quality.

Jonas Nemeiksis


Acceptance 0%, employees are mushrooming outside, although it should have been obvious that a person entered. It took up to 10 minutes before I had to call the number indicated on the business card to have someone come to service me from outside.

Damaged doors, torn seat, constant repetition of "very dirty, etc.", disclaimer.

There have been no such problems elsewhere. Takes, fixes, no comments. No clunks. First and last time. I suggest you go around.

If you decide to try it, then I suggest you take a picture of the whole interior/exterior (I trusted you, I made a mistake here, it's my own fault), otherwise you will get the answer that "it has already happened, our employees are trained to immediately report any damage.". Yes, this practice works well.

Well, get ready, if you bring it without cleaning for a long time, you will be reminded more than once.

Addendum after Marius' answer:

It would be very good if there was a FAKE, no nerves and damage. I reviewed the bank statement, the work was paid for on 08/07/2023. Since the car is not mine, I showed the seat to the owner to make sure I didn't miss such a tear, which would be strange, but he confirmed that there was no such tear. I called you right away, then waited 2h+ for you to call me back, while you clarified the situation. I don't remember the exact words, but the main thing is that your employees really did nothing and the tear was when the car was accepted, and that the employees definitely reported any damage. Well, there's a bunch of "atmaz" too.

I thought about coming, but after the call I decided not to bother, it's not a new car, and if you're so sure of your truth, I won't prove anything to you before taking a picture. Well, the owner reassured. I thought about writing a review right away, but I waited, calmed down and thought, well, that's it, everything happens. But just recently I had to get back into the car and noticed a chipped plastic on the door, which really wasn't there. I asked the owner, he said it was after washing. Because of this, and I'm only writing now, because it's obvious that the workers are not warning about all the damage.

There is no point in lying to the owner, neither do I, that's why I'm specifically writing from my main account with my first and last name. I don't know what you expect to solve if you have already been talked to and the answers were typical. In any case, it was cleaned in other centers before, there were no problems, and especially with so many comments about the dirty interior, just because of this service, -1 could be given. You can see respect and consideration when you can't even spell your name correctly. Yes, I am ashamed before the owner for suggesting you, let me be ashamed now for the mistakes you have made.

Black, SKODA OCTAVIA, settlement as I mentioned 08-07. If you want to solve it, you will find it, 21a., I'm not going to bother, call, wait, drive, I'm just leaving a review for the quality of the services I received.

Gedvinas Pralgauskas

Suteiktos paslaugos

Kėbulo poliravimas


150 EUR



Atgaivinkit savo automobilio kėbulą atliekant kėbulo poliravimą. Po poliravimo atsigauna kėbulo spalva, tampa blizgesnė, mažiau limpa purvas, ir lengiau plaunasi automobilis. Pasinaikina smulkesni pabraižymai, vabzdžių liekanos

Rankinis automobilio plovimas su sausinimu ir vaškavimu


20 EUR



Jūsų automobilis yra plaunamas rankomis, stengiantis kuo labiau saugoti automobilio dažus, naudojant tik kokybiškas ir rekomenduojamas priemones.

Variklio plovimas


25 EUR



Kad variklis geriau aušintų, reikia jį nuplauti. Ši procedūra taip pat sumažina ir nepageidaujamus kvapus, pašalinant purvo ir tepalo dėmes.

Pilnas salono cheminis valymas


160 EUR



Cheminis sėdynių, grindų, lubų, durelių apmušalų ir bagažinės valymas. Medžiaginės sėdynės plaunamos specialiu siurbliu, odinės – išvalomos ir impregnuojamos losjonu. Plastikinės salono dalys taip pat išvalomos ir impregnuojamos. Išvalomi visi langai.

Dugno plovimas nuo druskų


20 EUR



Pašalinkite druskas nuo dugno, Automobilio dugno plovimas. Pakeliame automobilį domkrato pagalba iš vienos pusės, vėliau iš kitos pusės. Išplauname gerai posparnius ir patį dugną nuo druskų, molio ar kitų nešvarumų.

Dažnai užduodami klausimai

  • Kaip galiu užsisakyti paslaugas šioje plovykloje?
  • Kokios paslaugų kainos?
  • Kiek maždaug užtrunka plovimo paslauga?
  • Koks yra šios plovyklos adresas?

Norite rezervuoti plovimą?

Atsisiųskite mūsų programėlę NEMOKAMAI dabar!

Kitos automobilių plovyklos Vilnius

Švaros praktika, MB

Dirbtuvė “Švaros praktika” įkūrėme po daugelio metų praktikos automobilių plovimo srityje ir sukaupus svarų savo srities žinių bagažą. Mes siūlome detalų automobilio plovimą, kėbulo poliravimą, apsaugos priemonių padengimą, salono bei kabrioleto stogo impregnavimą, cheminį valyma, dezinfekavimą, nuolaidas lojaliems klientams ir daugelį kitų paslaugų.

Švaros meistrai, UAB

UAB „ŠVAROS MEISTRAI“ automobilių švaros centras Vilniuje veiklą pradėjo siūlydami įvairias paslaugas: rankinį plovimą, automobilio salono valymą, cheminį valymą, siurbimą, kėbulo poliravimą, šlifavimą, vaškavimą, variklio ir dugno plovimą.

MB Autohouse detailing

Automobiliu poliravimas, keramikiniu dangų linija,cheminis salono valymas

Lestetika, MB

Atliekame automobilių autoestetikos paslaugas: poliravimas, nano keramikinės dangos, automobilių plovimas ir kitą. Taip pat prekiaujame aukštos kokybės autochemijos priemonėmis.

Autoperlas, MB

Rankinė automobilių plovykla AUTOPERLAS 🚗🚕🚐💦 laukia Jūsų VILNIUJE, ŽIRMŪNUOSE, KAREIVIŲ G. 2C, priešais 'MEDŽIO CENTRĄ