T2S auto

T2S auto – car care and detailing house. We offer a wide range of car aesthetics services and constantly monitor and develop the detailing culture in Lithuania.

Services provided

Level 2 polishing





Level 2 polishing is an advanced polishing process that removes deep scratches and defects, providing a comprehensive surface restoration. This Level 2 service delivers a high gloss and restores the vehicle's appearance.

Cleaning rims and tyres





Cleaning rims and tires is the process of thoroughly removing dirt, brake dust, and other contaminants from the surface of the rims and tires. This cleaning restores the shine of the rims and helps maintain the cleanliness and long-lasting appearance of the tires.

Detailed washing of the car's exterior using the 2-bucket method





Detailed exterior car washing using the two-bucket method involves carefully cleaning the car's body with one bucket for clean water and another for dirty water. This method reduces the risk of scratches by continuously rinsing off dirt, ensuring a safe and effective cleaning process.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I book appointment at this car wash?
  • What is the price?
  • How much time it would take?
  • What is address of this car wash?

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