ŠVAROS MEISTRAI car cleanliness centre in Vilnius has started offering various services: hand washing, car interior cleaning, chemical cleaning, vacuuming, body polishing, sanding, waxing, engine and bottom washing.
Šiandien buvove palikę automobilį cheminiam valymui ir t.t. Rezultatas gavosi vidutiniškas, automobilio salono kilimas nedasiurbtas, plastmasinės salono dalys kur valytos kur nelabai. Bet yra ir kur pasidžiaugti, sėdynės buvo išplautos gerai.
Ugnius Gelžinis
Puikiai atliko darbą, priėmė greitai ir be eilės. Tobulai nupoliravo priekinio stiklo defektą. Verta paminėti, jog iš karto įspėjo apie visas rizikas ir tik tada ėmėsi darbo.
Justina Juodvalkė
Volkswagen Taigo 2023 , salono cheminis valymas ir automobilių plovimas 200 € , dukrai viskas patiko, salonas skaniai kvepia. Aš apmokejau tai man nelabai:).
Lech Rynkevič
Greitai ir kokybiškai nuplovė automobilį.
Agnė R.
Puiku, gerai dirba. Kartais priima neuzsirasius is anksto
You simply need to press “Download” on the App Store or Google Play, register and book the service via our mobile app in few clicks. You will see available time slots when you can come to car wash.
All prices listed next to the services are the prices quoted by the car wash or detailing itself. A more accurate price can be determined only after the manager will check the size of the car, and your needs. You will pay for the service at car wash.
Approximate car wash and service time are given for each service unit. A more accurate estimate can only be given after a car washer has checked the size of the vehicle and assessed complexity of task.
Nano Vilnius is a solution for keeping cars and motorcycles clean, aesthetic and shiny. Combining innovation and experience, we offer you the highest quality car washing services.
We founded the Cleanliness Practice workshop after many years of practice in car washing and after accumulating a considerable amount of knowledge in our field. We offer car detailing, body polishing, protection coating, interior and convertible roof impregnation, dry cleaning, disinfection, discounts for loyal customers and many other services.
The bodywork of your car is one of the most important things that needs to be looked after with the utmost care if you want your car to last and perform well. Our experts will inspect your bodywork and advise you on the right bodywork care for you.
T2S auto - car care and detailing house. We offer a wide range of car aesthetics services and constantly monitor and develop the detailing culture in Lithuania.