Stiklo poliravimas

Variklio plovimas padeda pašalinti susikaupusius teršalus, riebalus ir purvą, kurie ilgainiui gali pakenkti jo darbui. Ši paslauga užtikrina variklio ilgaamžiškumą ir geresnį veikimą. Reguliariai plaunant variklį, galima išvengti galimų gedimų ir užtikrinti optimalią automobilio eksploataciją.

Automobilių plovimo privalumai

Greitas aptarnavimas

Išvalykite per 10 minučių

Ekologiški produktai

Saugus jūsų automobiliui ir aplinkai

Kokybės užtikrinimas

Profesionalus aptarnavimas su pasitenkinimo garantija

Prieinamos kainos

Aukštos kokybės paslaugos sąžiningomis kainomis

The best car washes for the selected service

Nano Vilnius is a solution for keeping cars and motorcycles clean, aesthetic and shiny. Combining innovation and experience, we offer you the highest quality car washing services.

Nano Vilnius is a solution for keeping cars and motorcycles clean, aesthetic and shiny. Combining innovation and experience, we offer you the highest quality car washing services.

We founded the Cleanliness Practice workshop after many years of practice in car washing and after accumulating a considerable amount of knowledge in our field. We offer car detailing, body polishing, protection coating, interior and convertible roof impregnation, dry cleaning, disinfection, discounts for loyal customers and many other services.

The bodywork of your car is one of the most important things that needs to be looked after with the utmost care if you want your car to last and perform well. Our experts will inspect your bodywork and advise you on the right bodywork care for you.

T2S auto - car care and detailing house. We offer a wide range of car aesthetics services and constantly monitor and develop the detailing culture in Lithuania.

We provide car aesthetics services: polishing, nano-ceramic coatings, car washing and more. We also sell high quality auto chemistry products.

Hand car wash AUTOPERLAS 🚗🚕🚕🚐💦 is waiting for you in VILNIUS, ŽIRMŪNUOS, KAREIVIŲ St. 2C, in front of the 'MEDŽIO CENTRĄ

Car polishing, ceramic coating line, chemical interior cleaning

"The Blue Spot brand specialises in professional car cleaning services to keep vehicles clean and presentable. Our team is made up of qualified professionals with many years of experience in car cleaning.

ŠVAROS MEISTRAI car cleanliness centre in Vilnius has started offering various services: hand washing, car interior cleaning, chemical cleaning, vacuuming, body polishing, sanding, waxing, engine and bottom washing.

Car polishing - Detailed cleaning - Artistic ironing - Protective coatings and other car aesthetic services

Aesthetic maintenance and other cleaning work on various vehicles

We provide additional services to make sure your car not only looks great, but also lasts a long time. We can clean your car's door arches with a drying treatment and provide special care for your wheels. We use advanced technology to remove stubborn stains and prevent the build-up of new dirt.

Our main goal is to provide the highest level of customer service, delivering quality car repairs, on time and with the best results. Our specialists are constantly improving their skills and testing new tools and techniques to guarantee a perfect quality of work.

Elite Wash Car Cleaning Centre is a high quality car care service. We offer professional hand washing, polishing, interior cleaning and protective coatings. Our experienced technicians ensure impeccable cleanliness and aesthetics so that your car always looks great.

We'll improve your car's appearance and increase its value

CLEAN LOFT - 500 sqm car cleaning centre for up to 8 cars per hour. We specialise in thorough hand washing, interior vacuuming, dry and dry cleaning, polishing and body waxing. We also decorate cars with promotional stickers. Trust us with your car and enjoy a spotless clean!

One of the largest car aesthetics centres in Vilnius, offering the highest quality services to keep your car clean and beautiful.

A heavy vehicle car wash in Vilnius offering a full range of washing services. We take care of the cleanliness of trucks, semi-trailers, tractors, refrigerators, dump trucks and other equipment. From a perfectly cleaned interior to a thoroughly washed engine, we guarantee a flawless result.

We have three car washing spots, three places for dry cleaning of car interior and three places for polishing and three places for chemical cleaning.

"Pilies Plovykla" - a mobile cleanliness centre in Kaunas and Alytus. We value quality and cleanliness, that's why we use only professional cleaning products!

Probably the best place to wash your car in Kaunas! "AUTO ŠVARUOLIS"

At Auto Aesthetics, we provide aesthetic car care services. Our aim is to give your car exceptional care and a flawless appearance.

We are official and certified partners of the SONAX brand in Lithuania, which is why we use only the most effective and environmentally and human-friendly methods and products to provide cleaning services.

Car care and aesthetics centre for car polishing, nano-coating

"Detailingas is a young, dynamic company with great potential and a wide range of skills. We have a successful track record of delivering both small private and large commercial and government cleaning projects. Our experience and professional team ensure high quality of work and customer confidence.

Visos plovyklos Vilniuje

Nanovilnius 2.0

Verified by Autoplovykla team for quality and reliability
Nanovilnius 2.0

Nano Vilnius

Verified by Autoplovykla team for quality and reliability
Nano Vilnius

Forto Centras

Verified by Autoplovykla team for quality and reliability
Forto Centras


Stiklo poliravimas yra paslauga, kuri padeda atkurti automobilio stiklo paviršių aiškumą, pašalinant smulkius įbrėžimus, dėmes ir oksidacijos žymes. Stiklo paviršiai, ypač priekiniai langai ir šoninės durys, nuolat veikiami aplinkos poveikio – UV spindulių, drėgmės, purvo, o taip pat ir mechaninio nusidėvėjimo, dėl kurio laikui bėgant gali atsirasti įbrėžimų ir kitų defektų. Šie pažeidimai ne tik sumažina automobilio estetinę vertę, bet ir gali ženkliai paveikti matomumą, o tai savo ruožtu kelia pavojų vairavimo saugumui.

Poliravimo procesas apima specialių poliravimo medžiagų ir įrankių naudojimą, kurie efektyviai nušlifuoja stiklo paviršių, pašalindami nepageidaujamus defektus. Po poliravimo stiklo paviršius tampa skaidresnis, o matomumas žymiai pagerėja. Tai ypač svarbu tamsiu paros metu ar blogomis oro sąlygomis, kai aiškus matomumas yra kritiškai svarbus saugiam vairavimui. Poliruotas stiklas ne tik pagerina matomumą, bet ir užtikrina, kad šviesa būtų efektyviau sklaidoma, todėl vairuotojai gali geriau matyti kelią ir aplinką.

Be praktinės naudos, stiklo poliravimas taip pat suteikia automobilio išvaizdai patrauklumo. Naujai poliruotas stiklas atrodo švarus ir blizgus, tad automobilis atrodo itin modernus. Tai ypač svarbu, jei planuojate parduoti automobilį ar tiesiog norite, kad jis atrodytų kuo geriau.

Reguliariai atliekant stiklo poliravimą, galima išvengti rimtesnių problemų, tokių kaip stiklų keitimas. Smulkūs įbrėžimai, jei nėra pašalinami, gali sukelti didesnius defektus, kurie galiausiai reikalauja brangesnių remonto sprendimų. Taip pat poliruojant galima užkirsti kelią drėgmės kaupimuisi, kuris gali sukelti pelėsių ir kitų problemų.

Apskritai, stiklo poliravimas yra investicija, užtikrinanti ne tik geresnį matomumą ir vairavimo saugumą, bet ir padedanti išlaikyti automobilio estetinę vertę. Pasirinkus profesionalias poliravimo paslaugas, galite būti tikri, kad stiklo paviršiai bus atkurti į geriausią būklę, užtikrinant sklandesnį vairavimą.
